I have been thinking about doing this for sometime thanks to some encouraging words from a fellow soldier in the battle to spread awareness I finally took the plunge Thanks Tanya for the final push.
For those of you that haven't heard of Gastroparesis or Meniere's Disease want to give a quick definition of each. Don't worry I will go more into it on my feel good days or my can't sleep nights.
The most important thing for starters is talk to a doctor before you decide you have one of these or any illnesses. Everyone of us that suffers has different symptoms and severity depending on what other illnesses we have. Even if you only have only one disease I promise you they all act different from person to person and being classical isn't the norm, it is the oddity.
Gastroparesis--simply put is a paralyzed stomach. The stomach is suppose to contract to move food and other items (like medicine and fluids) further down the digestive tract. Those with Gastroparesis have stomachs that do not empty as fast as they normally should.
There are different symptoms for me. I get full after eating just a little, nausea, bloating, vomiting, and GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease). This is an illness that people can't see. It is often misdiagnosed as eating disorders or emotional problems. Most physicians haven't heard of it and those that do have very few options to offer their patients.
A lot of us like myself end up having surgeries to help with the symptoms. For there is no cure for Gastroparesis. Those of us fighting are trying to change that by pushing for awareness and research. I know for myself I am fighting to stay alive until they find a cure, then I can die happy (what a oxymoron).
Other than the fact that there is not enough money put in the research for the cure. There is another thing that is stalling the cure. For many of us there is no known reason why we got sick. Therefore we get labeled with idiopathic Gastroparesis. If you knew what caused it you could stop it from happening, right?
Meniere's Disease-effects your vestibular system. Simply put your balance and hearing are whacked out. (I took the liberty to come up with this definition based on my own experience.)
Symptoms and severity vary from person to person. My symptoms include a roaring in my right ear, loss of hearing, headaches, pressure in the ear, vertigo, dizziness and balance issues. To explain how it effects me picture someone who drank too many beers and is stumbling and can't keep upright. Got the picture in your mind. Now add a cane (sometimes a walker) and take away the beers and you got me.
There is no known cure and the treatments are basically set up to help with the symptoms. I like many started with diet and medications. With one surgery behind me I am still struggling to find a way to end the spin as I call it.
Similar to Gastroparesis no one knows for sure what causes it as so again I am labeled with another idiopathic disease which no one can physically see.
So there you have it for my first blog. Hope it helps explain a little.
For my fellow fighters keep on fighting and remember one day they will figure this out and we will have won. Until then don't give up hope. It is okay to rest on bad days, but on the good days enjoy life to your fullest because you deserve it.
There is so much more and remember this is something that I live with and am writing from my perspective. Talk to a doctor if you feel you may have this or any other disease because without proper diagnosis you will never get the treatment you deserve.