- You Don't look sick....my response is Thank God. If I looked as bad as I felt I would need to go turn myself into the coroner. Changes people's attitude immediately.
- You look like your doing good today...my response Great...I must look like death warmed over the rest of the time.
- The rhetorical How are you feeling statement...response...you really want to know or do you want my old stand by...I am fine
- What you mean you cant drive...response...well I can if you don't mind if you are the car in front of me when my hid starts spinning.
- You are way too young to be that sick...response...great now your saying my body is old...cause I really do feel this sick.
- I made this just for you why aren't you eating...response...well I decided I wouldn't get sick at your house today...but if you would refer that give me a big ol bowl of it.
- There has to be a cure...response...yeah there was a cure but I decided to stay sick for the sympathy..
- You had to do something to get sick...response...you are right....I got it because I judged someone that didn't look sick.
- I saw you yesterday and you looked so good. what did you do to make yourself so sick today....response...stuck my head in a blender thought i should let it spin so i could get sick.
- Last but not least...my all time favorite...I hope I don't ever get that sick...response...come on join the fun...I mean I really could use a sick buddy...want you do it for me?
See most people don't realize the statements are so hurting. They only feel the pain when they themselves are faced with illness. So getting mad doesn't help them understand what they are doing. Turning it into a comedy routine helps boast your morale. It also helps them see how insane their statement really is...don't forget people are not trying to be mean. Our society just has a hard time dealing with illness. We expect the medical field to cure all our ills. So when we don't immediately get well then the thought is you must not be trying hard enough.
For my fellow fighters keep on fighting and remember one day they will figure this out and we will have won. Until then don't give up hope. It is okay to rest on bad days, but on the good days enjoy life to your fullest because you deserve it.
There is so much more and remember this is something that I live with and am writing from my perspective. Talk to a doctor if you feel you may have this or any other disease because without proper diagnosis you will never get the treatment you deserve.
For my fellow fighters keep on fighting and remember one day they will figure this out and we will have won. Until then don't give up hope. It is okay to rest on bad days, but on the good days enjoy life to your fullest because you deserve it.