- I am quitting smoking
- I am going on a diet
- I am going to exercise
- I am giving up sweets
- I am going to be a better driver
- The list goes on and on
Yet, what happens to someone that suffers from silent illnesses. Many already have lost so much that there isn't that much to give up. If you are on feeding tubes how are you going to go on a diet. Since you are on a permanent one. If your physician has taken away your ability to drive how can you become a better driver. If your body is in tons of pain how are you gong to exercise more.
No wonder we get frustrated. We here all kinds of people wanting to stop things that we wish we could do. I know there has been a time or two in frustration that I have said why don't you live like me for a month. Then you will appreciate what you can do.
This year I am making a new resolution. One that I hope those out there fighting can join me in. I am going to quit being mad at my body. Now there is a hard one to swallow. If you are sick and tired don't you want to yell at your own body for putting you in this shape. I know that many of us have asked that golden question WHY ME.
I will tell you that if you have a silent illness. One that has taken things away that you wish you could do. It has proven how strong a person you are. My friends a family look up to me because they can't imagine living with these illnesses and still wanting to fight. I am stronger because my body is weaker.
So how many will join me. Time to quit yelling and despising our bodies because we are sick. It is time to love ourselves for what we can do and not be mad about what we cant do. We all would rather be able to do what we use to do. Yet, looking at what you can do will change your perspective on life. Letting go of the anger is a big part of starting to fight. Stop worrying about the things you use to do and start concentrating on what you can do.
Then next year when someone asked if you lived your resolution you can proudly say yes. Then tell them you are going to do the same one this year. Be a role model for yourself. Do what you can do and let the things you use to do slip out of your mind.
For my fellow fighters keep on fighting and remember one day they will figure this out and we will have won. Until then don't give up hope. It is okay to rest on bad days, but on the good days enjoy life to your fullest because you deserve it.
There is so much more and remember this is something that I live with and am writing from my perspective. Talk to a doctor if you feel you may have this or any other disease because without proper diagnosis you will never get the treatment you deserve.