Yet, I am here to tell you that there is something that you can change. You can start by stop worrying. Your body can do better if you stop the worry. I know that this is a lot to ask of yourself. I have been there. What I learned is if I let the things that were bothering me go I actually enjoy life better.
Now there are days that I start to worry about the things I can't do anymore. I use to have so much independence and I wish I could have it back. Yet, what I have learned is that people want to help you. When they see that I need help my friends just step right in. In fact, most don't even need to be asked. They can look at my eyes and realize that it is a bad day for me.
Yes, there are times that I stress over the job I lost because of my illness. Yet, I rejoice in that God who is my Higher Power has provided a way for me to have income. It isn't the same and never will be, but I am blessed with not having to be stressed over money and trying to work. When it was all I could do was to stay vertical and out of the bathroom.
See we need to Stop and Smell the Roses. Rejoice in the little things that happen each day. When you take and can get up in the morning take a deep breath and find something to rejoice in. I even enjoy watching TV or just taking an afternoon nap. I enjoy days when I get cards from friends. I am encouraged when I get positive emails. See these are little things that you can enjoy.
I encourage everyone of you that read this to find something that happened that was positive in your life. True there seems to be days that everything seems to be going bad. Yet, there are things that you can find that happened to you that are good.
Take a few minute and don't stress and see the beauty that is you. For today I am blessed by you reading this simple post. Thank you for giving me something to be happy about. You have blessed my day now look around and see what you can find in your own life that is a blessing.
For my fellow fighters keep on fighting and remember one day they will figure this out and we will have won. Until then don't give up hope. It is okay to rest on bad days, but on the good days enjoy life to your fullest because you deserve it.