What is someone to do when they can't eat or drink without being sick? Do we hide and not go to the events? Do we go and feel embarrassed because of the situation? Do we go and try to eat only to get sick? Do we go and hide in the crowd so no one notices eating?
I say go and have fun. If people cant accept you then are you with the crowd? Wear your green and show be prepared to answer their questions. Don't be ashamed that you cant eat. Don't be ashamed that you have to use your TPN, feeding tubes, or your own food and drink.
See what people need to learn is there is more to life than food. My roommate said it best the other day. "Why base your life on what you are going to be able to eat next?" I run into this a lot it stresses me out. Especially when I have to be friends that haven't seen me for awhile. When they want to meet at a restaurant, I start wondering is there anything that I can eat there. Are they going to think I do not have the money to pay for it when I ask for a kid's meal? What happens if I go into a bad flare that day and can't eat anything? The questions are never ending.
So this is what I do. I tell people right off the bat that I have to be careful with what I can eat. I share that my stomach just doesn't act like everyone else. I stress that the reason I am t events is that I want companionship. I want to be around people and not hide because of my illness.
What I have learned is that people accept me when I am honest. My close friends can look at me and know when it is a bad day. People that know me ask me if there is something special that they need to have if I am eating with them. For example, every Sunday we have a meal at church. No one is shocked if I don't eat. In fact, I don't get any strange looks. People understand that everyday I might feel different and they have come to accept it.
I also have learned when I am meeting someone for the first time I slowly introduce them to Gastroparesis. I let them know that I can't eat like them and not to be embarrassed to eat around me. Once people learn that their eating doesn't offend me the easier it is. When I either order small amounts or pull out my own food I tell them that I am happy with what I have.
So the next time there is event be prepared to enjoy. Take what you need and don't be ashamed. Help people understand your illness and you will see that they come to accept you the way you are. There is nothing like being around people and just having the chance to talk and have a good time. If today you aren't feeling good let people know that you will take a rain check. Don't be afraid to do it at your own pace under your own conditions.
For my fellow fighters keep on fighting and remember one day they will figure this out and we will have won. Until then don't give up hope. It is okay to rest on bad days, but on the good days enjoy life to your fullest because you deserve it.
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