____Breast Cancer
____Brain Cancer
____Lung Cancer
____Childhood Cancer
Now to answer the reason why gold and silver happen to be two of my favorite colors well they represent spreading awareness for a disease that has caused me great loss. These colors are to spread awareness for Meniere's Disease.
How ironic that the awareness ribbon is a mixture of two colors. Having two contrasting colors that stand out make sense. I know for me and many others that have Menieres if you are exposed to a vast amount of visual stimuli you can be thrown into an attack. The fact that there are two colors says to me that no one knows exactly why I have this. There is a mixture of bad days and really bad days.
Sadly, the ribbon is much prettier than the illness. Menieres causes sufferers to deal with extreme vertigo issues, hearing loss, balance issues, tinnitus and fatigue. This is a very disabling condition which causes people to eventually lose their ability to function in normal environments. So how appropriate to have such brilliant and costly metal colors as the symbol of the illness.
For those that suffer with this illness the following metaphor may be something that rings true for you. For supporters this is an easy way to explain what happens during the disease process of Menieres. In the beginning the illness comes into play and there are times that you dance between vertigo episodes and days without vertigo. Then as the two step continues it gets faster and faster. The episodes come on much quicker and last much longer. You are no longer able to distinguish between good moments and bad moments. Every day is a constant struggle to keep the two worlds separate. Yet, they eventually meld into one.
How many of you knew before today that gold and silver were the colors for Menieres syndrome. So here is where patients and supporters can make a difference. Anytime you can make sure to wear these colors so that you can tell people about your illness and how the illness makes you feel. Spread enough awareness so that people with the disease are not treated differently and maybe we can figure out just why it happens so people can get better.
I am not sure what others were thinking when this ribbon was chosen but that is what I see. Been a rough day lots of spinning but I was able to finally get this posted. In between sleeping and taking medicine. Night and hope tomorrow you will not have any spins.
For my fellow fighters keep on fighting and remember one day they will figure this out and we will have won. Until then don't give up hope. It is okay to rest on bad days, but on the good days enjoy life to your fullest because you deserve it.
1__Lung Cancer __2__AIDS __3__Childhood Cancer __4__Breast Cancer ___5_Autism __6__Brain Cancer
God bless Dr Kennedy for helping me with Meneiere's disease herbal remedy. With all my life i will forever be grateful to God Almighty for using Dr Kennedy to reach me when i thought it was all over. I'm Hayle Rodriguez, i was diagnosed of Meniere's disease 11 years ago just shortly after my 42nd birthday. I felt some forces on my right ear for just a day or two and it was over but It rolled back again after some weeks but this time it was more severe ear ringing and i get dizzy almost all time. My husband drove me to the ENT doctor who confirmed to me that i had Meniere's disease and only advised that i wait till more research is done for a possible cure. Just as the doctor said, my tinnitus and hearing loss permanently worsened on the affected ear because there wasn't a cure for it then. When i wasn't sure of what someone just said, i'll just smile and hoped it wasn't a question, my whole life became a mess as i couldn't relate with my own husband and children. I and my family searched and hoped for help until my friend told me about Dr Kennedy and how he helped cure her 4 months Pancreatic Cancer too. I contacted Dr Kennedy for help and explained my hearing loss to him through his email: drkennedy118@gmail.com . I must say I didn't actually believe her but she ask me to trust him and things would be OK. I did trusted him and after a couple of days he sent me medicines and dosage instructions. I started taking the herbal medicines as prescribed and my Meniere's disease got cured and disappeared just within 9 days. I still can't believe its gone. I say thank you, thank you, thank you so much Dr Kennedy. I also believe "In between Meniere's Disease is a thing called good life, that has to be lived and enjoyed" which is why i need everyone with Meniere's Disease to reach Dr Kennedy for help and herbal cures on drkennedy118@gmail.com and +1 (312) 973 1164
ReplyDeleteHi, thanks for this awesome article, I’m Shania Kubisch 41 and from Manteca CA, USA. i was first diagnosed of Meniere’s disease in 2009 following an unexpected attack. My husband didn’t know what it was and i was taken to the hospital where we were told that i had meniere's disease. It lasted 2 years and went away. It came back in 2012 with a vengeance spinning 24/7, constantly feeling sick, tinnitus in my right ear, and loss of hearing. I was so devastated as i watched my carrier as a cashier crumble and communication with my family and friends lowered. After years of going to the ENT, and search for cure that proved abortive, my husband found out in a post on a health forum about some guru man (Prof Aafiya) who casts herbal healing spells to heal all kind of diseases. My family needed me and i needed a cure at all cost, i and my husband agreed to try the healing spell too and he complained my health state to the spell guru (prof Aafiya) on +2348108647815. He surely did help me and my husband cast a healing spell for Meniere's and i was completely healed of the disease just within 14 days. It’s been 2 years and 7 months since i had the healing spell and i have not had any symptoms of meniere’s disease. My hearing has been fully restored instantly and everything is back to normal again. If you have meniere's disease and experiencing it symptoms, you too may be able to get help from this Man (Prof Aafiya) via his email, prof.aafiyahealingspells@gmail.com .
ReplyDeleteI now believe in super-naturalistic healing very much because my own case has proved to me that there is nothing impossible. Once again thanks for this great article.
Happy 2021, I just want to quickly share some real tips on how to beat even the last stage of Cancer or Tinnitus. I know 2020 wasn't a great year for many people, but it has indeed been a lovely one for me and my family simply because of these tips.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Anna, I had Tinnitus (Meniere's Disease ) for 6 years, it was really hell for me and some years ago my husband was diagnosed with Lung & Bronchus Cancer and the doctor’s told me that there was nothing they could do to save my husband. Then a work colleague i have known for a long time told me about real natural herbs and oils, i told her that my husband Lung & Bronchus Cancer was in the last stage that i don’t think the natural medicines will be able to help, and she persuaded me to try. Because of the love I have for my husband, I decided to give it a try. She recommended ( dr.osojo@gmail.com ) to me and I visited their website where I learned more and got herbs medicines for myself and my husband. I was opportune to have a private talk with the herbs doctor in charge and told him my situation and that of my husband and he assured me that after 2 months my husband's Lung & Bronchus Cancer will be gone. All this was in August 2019, i followed the procedures and got some herbs medicines and oils, which indeed after a few weeks of applying it i realised i never experienced Meniere's Disease symptoms anymore and it's exactly one year now since the doctors confirmed that my husband is perfectly okay and no longer suffering from Cancer. If you know any one who is suffering from Meniere's Disease or Cancer, you can save his/her life by contacting Doctor Osojo via his email : ( DR.OSOJO@GMAIL.COM ). it worked exactly as the doctor prescribed.
Lets keep fighting Cancer together, also visit the website: https://drosojoherbalcure.wixsite.com/ofalldisease