
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Preparing for a Physician's Appointment

Physician appointments can be both exciting and scary.  The big issue comes what is going to happen today.  Is there news that you are truly anxious to hear.  Or is it one of those days where something is shared you would rather not know.

I chose this topic today because it is time for one of those appointments.  There are things that I want to know but there is that anxiety.  When there is a chronic illness involved you just don't know what is going to happen.

Steps to help with the anxiety.

  1. Take a book with you even better if you have a tablet.
  2. Right down any questions that you want to make sure you don't forget them.  Nothing like wanting to ask something and leaving without asking and having to wait to get the answer later.
  3. Take an MP player.
  4. Don't go alone, crazy things might happen and you want to make sure someone remembers what is said.
  5. If there is something that you don't understand ask the physician to explain further.
  6. If a big word is used especially for a diagnosis have the physician write it down.  You know that you are going to be sharing that with supporters and you want to make sure you have the right word.
  7. Try to get a good nights sleep.  Being tired will just raise anxiety.
  8. Lastly, give up prayers to God (your higher power) it never hurts and sometimes having that comfort is even better than other things you attempt to do.
Now that works if you are going in for a regular exam, if there is such a thing,  Yet, what happens if you have to go in for a procedure.  A lot of the above will help.  Yet, there are a few things you might want to remember.
  1. Plan on being there longer than they have told you.  Your over estimate will help you         de-stress.
  2. Ask for prayers and support from all of your supporters they will want to be there for you.  This s good for you and for them.
  3. Don't expect the results the same day.  Most test takes days or weeks to fully interpret.
  4. Make sure the person or people going with you have drinks and something to eat.  It helps if they are just as comfortable as you because they are just as anxious. (We have a care bag we take and it has crossword books, snacks, drinks, gum,mints, tablet, pen and my partners tablet and extra Oxygen canisters).
  5. Lastly, be honest with the person giving you the test.  If something unusual is going on that day they need to know.  Sometimes that might effect test results and they can be adjusted.  They might be able to give you something to help you endure the test depending on what it is.
So no matter what do your best to relax.  Don't stress and assume it is going to be an awful experience.  Most importantly if it is one of your bad days to start with let the physician know.  Also make sure to take the things that help you get through the day.  I know my doctors have actually have changed what they were seeing me on days where things were really bad.  I even had a nap one time because my head was spinning so bad they gave me a shot and let me rest until I could walk safely. 

Time for me to post and head to bed.  Very early doctors appointment with procedures.  So I want to follow my own rules and relax before I get there tomorrow.  Have a good one and if you got a second add a little prayer that tomorrow will be easy for me and all others having to make those physician trips.

For my fellow fighters keep on fighting and remember one day they will figure this out and we will have won.  Until then don't give up hope.  It is okay to rest on bad days,  but on the good days enjoy life to your fullest because you deserve it.    

There is so much more and remember this is something that I live with and am writing from my perspective.  Talk to a doctor if you feel you may have this or any other disease because without proper diagnosis you will never get the treatment you deserve.  

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