Amazingly illnesses don't know that there is such a thing called a holiday. This is like so many employers who left their doors open and employees had to show up to work. It is something that you have to get use to. There are somethings that just have to happen even when you would rather they would take a day off.
Yet, there is a way to handle holidays and enjoy them. I use to hate them especially the ones that involved eating. Oh wait they all involve some form of eating. Isn't it amazing how we as Americans have decided to connect food with all forms of celebrations.
This not only involves joyous celebrations but also times of remembrance.
- Memorial day a time to remember those that have sacrificed their life fighting for the United states. Yet, better known as the day the pool opens for the summer and first BBQ of the year.
- 4th of July the day we celebrate the Independence of the United States. The second holiday of the Summer season with fireworks and again another outdoor feast.
- Labor day a time to remember what all workers have done for the economy and the United States. Better known as the last three day holiday of summer, pools close and make sure you get that last BBQ of the year in.
- Halloween is connected with a time to remembering our loved one that have passed. Yet, it is a time to dress of have a party and collect as much treats, candy and other food goodies one can handle.
- Thanksgiving a time to give praise to God (higher power) for all of the gifts that have been given. We all know this day as the day of football games, Macy Day's Thanksgiving Parade, and the biggest feast one can imagine.
So it is easy to see how if your illness involves the ability to eat how upsetting these days can be. Someone with a Gastroparesis knows that sometime throughout that day the food is coming. For many that angst is what keeps them from enjoying the day. You want to be around people and party with the best.
So how to handle it and still enjoy it without focusing, dreading, the food.
- Enjoy being with Friends and Family.
- Concentrate on all of the things that go with the Holiday that don't involve food. In reality the reason behind the day.
- Allow yourself to spend time resting if that is what you need to do. If it is a bad day don't fret you can do your celebrating when you are having a good day.
- Be honest with those that you are with about how making food the center of the event is difficult on you. Chances are they have never thought about that and will see things differently.
- Start a new tradition that moves food further down the line in your celebration.
- Lastly, don't be upset when it comes time for the food because your love ones deserve that part of the tradition. Being stuck on the fact that they are eating and you are not will just cause you to form resentment against the ones that you love.
Hopefully, you have friends and family members that understand as much as mine. Yes, we eat but that isn't the highlight it is being together and making lasting memories. Yes, there is a time of nourishment but that is something that needs to be done. On those holidays that are bad that let me rest and we make up for it at a later day.
Five blogs and so much more to share in the future. To those of you that helped me make memories today that we will never forget thanks.
For my fellow fighters keep on fighting and remember one day they will figure this out and we will have won. Until then don't give up hope. It is okay to rest on bad days, but on the good days enjoy life to your fullest because you deserve it.
There is so much more and remember this is something that I live with and am writing from my perspective. Talk to a doctor if you feel you may have this or any other disease because without proper diagnosis you will never get the treatment you deserve.
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