
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Small things Make a BIG difference when you Struggle Everyday

A quick picker upper.  There are multiple little tasks that you accomplish each day.  Those little accomplishments need to be what you focus on.  True it would be great if you could do the big things again.  Yet, when you are able to accomplish the smallest of tasks your heart can soar.

True Story and it concerns this blog.  I have been watching for a few weeks because I was getting close to a magic number.  One that would mean that I had done some good.  I started this thinking I might get a hit every once in a while.  It basically was my way of dealing with the struggles that I was going through.  I was shocked when in no time flat I had a hundred hits.  I thought there must be a few people that read this and hopefully they are getting the calmness that I am getting from writing it.

Just yesterday I hit another one of those milestones I went over a 1000 hits to the blog.  I can tell you right now that to me that made a great impact on me.  See I have days when all I want to do is lay in bed all day.  There are other days that I get so mad that I want to fight the whole world. Yet, knowing that someone might think things a little different the next time they are having one of those days keeps me going.

How about you?   I know if you are reading this your trying to find a positive spin on life.  I try my best to stay up beat because it is the only way to keep me in check.  See some days just getting out of bed is a major accomplishment and for that I say yeehaw.  Other days being able to write down my thoughts is a major accomplishment and for that I am grateful.  Other days going ten minutes without the world spinning means that I can enjoy something special.  Other days it is eating without getting extremely nauseous and for that I thank my body for being nice.

You don't have to climb Mount Everest.  You don't have to run a marathon.  All you need to do is find those little things that make a big difference in your life.  Yesterday it was getting a thousand hits.  Today it was getting to hold my little man Adam, pictured above.  He knows when I am in the middle of a great spin so he jumps on my lap and helps me through it so that I can continue on with life.  See we all have something special in our life.

When you start adding up all the small things that make you feel better today you can realize that you have done something big.  If that means waking up and making it to your front room. Snuggling with your precious children, for me the four legged kind.  If you are reading this you can add that to your I did something today for me list.  I encourage everyone to start looking around them and see just how many small things you get done in one day.

I would love for those that do it to share with the others that read.  Write a comment about how many things that you did in one day no matter how small that were major accomplishments.  I have got four so far today.

  1. woke up
  2. got out of bed
  3. snuggled with Adam
  4. wrote this blog
Not bad for a start of the day.  All of these small things will eventually add up to a day full of accomplishments.  Don't be surprised if your list is longer than you ever thought it would be.

For my fellow fighters keep on fighting and remember one day they will figure this out and we will have won.  Until then don't give up hope.  It is okay to rest on bad days,  but on the good days enjoy life to your fullest because you deserve it.    

There is so much more and remember this is something that I live with and am writing from my perspective.  Talk to a doctor if you feel you may have this or any other disease because without proper diagnosis you will never get the treatment you deserve. 

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